Sunday, July 15, 2012

More Seoul Shenanigans and the Beginning of Classes

Hello! It has been another exciting weekend out here in Korea land. Yesterday we ventured back into another suburb of Seoul with some students from our English classes.  The funny thing about going to clubs is that it makes me feel like a celebrity. I don't usually find myself in clubs so the experience is one thing but what really makes you feel special is that literally everyone at the establishment wants to talk to you or dance with you. You have to remember that you are a foreigner in their country and they do not see people like you very often. We were not the only foreign interlopers on this night though. We met some very nice people from Brazil and Switzerland. It was great to see people from other places across the world.

Oh, I forgot to mention to that this club on this night was invite only (it pays to have Korean friends).  The gathering was a charity party so the deal was you pay to get in and you get free drinks all night. I like to think of it as partying with a purpose. The children of Africa approved of my fun loving habits last night.

After this we left and experienced a Jimjilbang. What this is is a gigantic sauna house where you can go to sleep and shower after a long night.  It was especially crowded and I tried to stay close to my Korean friend so I would not get lost. At one point I woke up and he was nowhere to be found in the room where I was sleeping. This scared me and I immediately thought I was lost forever with no idea how to get back. Luckily he returned and we left at about 7 A.M.

We got back to school on the subway which I am now getting much better at navigating. I'm getting used to living here, the only bad thing is is that there is only a month left. I will continue to savor every moment and opportunity that comes my way!!

Until later,


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